TCWI 2023 - FGD

Venue: Virtual
Date / Timing: 24 May, 2023 - 15-Jul-2023
Will be confirmed

In 2022, Avtar had undertaken the study called ‘Top Cities for Women in India’ to identify critical indices to measure Indian cities in terms of their ability to empower women’s careers and ranked 111 cities. Apart from ranking the cities, the report also contained few significant recommendations for women, organisations, and governmental bodies to attract more women talent into the workforce. This year we are returning with Top Cities for Women in India – 2023 wider in scope and scale, and we would like you to be a part of this mega-research.

How can you help?

We request you to participate in a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) about your city of residence, which will help us gauge first hand experiences of women living and working from the city. The FGD will be virtual (1 hour duration) and it will cover aspects like safety, mobility, social condition etc. The FGDs will happen across the month of June 2023, the time and date will be shared by mail to the email id with which you register.

If you are keen to lend to voice along with hundreds of other women, to make your city one of the Top Cities for Women in India, click on the link to register.”